patio roof patio cover

Did you know that Americans spend over 90 percent of their time indoors? Between work, school, and commuting, it can be difficult to find the time to spend outside of a building or an automobile.

Designing an outdoor living space is a fantastic way to improve your health and well-being. Here are some key benefits of being outdoors with your family and friends.

1. Enhance Your Mental Health with Outdoor Dining

Outdoor dining is a refreshing change that can significantly boost your mental health. Being surrounded by nature and breathing in fresh air helps reduce stress levels and improve mood. In addition, social interactions in an outdoor setting can enhance mental well-being and create a sense of community and belonging. So, take your meals outside and enjoy the therapeutic benefits of nature.

2. Boost Your Immune System

When you expose yourself to allergens outdoors, it will strengthen your immune system. Plus, being indoors and close to other people is an easy way to catch viruses such as colds or the flu.

Sunlight can stimulate the production of T cells, which help fight off infections. In addition, plants put substances like organic compounds into the air to aid overall immune function.

3. Lower Your Stress Levels

Staying cooped up in the house, especially with limited space, can be very stressful. Add in children, pets, or loud noises, and it can feel downright miserable.

Spending time outdoors can positively impact your stress levels through factors such as:

  • lower blood pressure
  • lower heart rate
  • less muscle tension

Anxiety and depression can cause your stress levels to spike easily. Outdoor living spaces can reduce some of the symptoms and improve your mental well-being.

4. Soak Up Some Vitamin D

Most people are seriously lacking in vitamin D, one of the key nutrients to keep your body functioning. Outdoor living spaces can provide a place to relax and get as much vitamin D as possible.

Even though ultraviolet rays can cause damage to your skin, there are still ways to safely get vitamin D from the sun. However, always make sure to apply sunscreen before sun exposure.

Since the sun is at its highest point around noon, try getting outside in that time frame. If you work from home, bringing your computer or work material outdoors is an easy way to multitask and enjoy your outdoor living space.

Create the Perfect Outdoor Living Space

Going outdoors should not have to be a challenge. With a great outdoor space, you can experience outdoor living to the fullest. Your health will thank you!

Do you want to reap the rewards of getting outside more often? Meet with us today to begin designing the outdoor living space of your dreams in Huntington or Elkhart.